generation of computer 1st to 5th with pictures - Computer Education

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Wednesday, 14 February 2018

generation of computer 1st to 5th with pictures

Evolution of computer

The 1 st manual calculating device ABACUS was devloped in and around 3000BC &used in Chine and in greece,Rome & Egypt and is still in use many countries particularly as toys for learnig while playing.It uses beads to represent decimal numbers.The Japanese call it SOROBAN.
   The first mechanical adding machine was invented the first calculator.Around this time,Herman Hollerith came up with the concept of Punched Cards,which were extensively used as an input medium in mechanical adding machines.

Carles Babbage,a nineteenth-century professor at Cambridge University,is considered the father of the morden digital computer.During this period,Mathematical and statistics tables were prepared by a group of clercks.Ulmost care and precautuions,however,could not climinate human errors.

In 1842,Babbage came up with his new idea of the Analytical Engine,which was intened to be compltely automatic.This machine\was capable of performing basic arithmetic functions.But these machine were dificult to manufacture because the precision engineering required to manufacture them was not available at that time.

five generation of computer with picture:
!st generation of computer made up of vacuum tube.the hardware of this generation cacuum tube.And the required software Machine lanuage.

Features of this generation:High speed electronic switching device,memory type was electromagnetic;bulky in size;generated a large amount of heat;frequent technical faults;requires constant maintenance,used for scientific purpose;airconditioning required.


second generation of computer with picture:
 second generation of computer made up of transistors the hardware of this device and the required software is Highlevel language(FORTRAN,COBAL,ALGOL,SNOBOL).better electronic switching devices than vacuum tubes;madeup of Germanium semiconductors;memory ttpes was magnetic cores;
power and more reliable;easy to handle;much smaller than heat as compared to vacuum tubes;used for business ans industries for commercial data processing;air-conditioning repuired.

Example:Livemore automatic research computer(LARC).IBM.

 third generation of computer with picture:

    Third generation of computer are made up of Integrated circuits.made up of transistors resistors and capacitors fixed single sillicon chip. and the software at that time is high level language i.e. PL/1L=PASCAL,BASIC,VISUAL BASIC,C,C++,C#,JAVA.compared to transistors;more reliable and faster than earlier generations;capable of performing about 1 million instructions per second;large storage capacity;used for both scienific and commercial purposes;air conditioning required.


Forth generation computers with picture:
  Forth generation of computer are made up of Microprocessor and  made up of large scale integrataion circuits(VLSI).and the software for this generation are Advanced Java .Microproccessor had control on logical instructions and memory;semiconductor memories;personal computers were assembled;used in LAN and WAN to connect multiple computers at a time;used GUI;similar,more reliable and cheaper than 3rd generation computers;large primary and secondary storage memories;had computer supported cooperative working (CSCW);air-conditioning not required.

Example:personal computers(pcS).lan,wan,cscw.

Fifth generation computers with picture:

   Forth generation of computer are made up ofUltra scale large integration(ULSI).optical disk.The software in this generation are Artificial intelligence PROLOG,OPPS,memory.PCs were assembled portable and non portable,powerful desktop PCs and workstations;less prone to hardware failure;user friendly features-internet,e-mailing;air conditionning not required.

Example:portable PCs palmtop computers,Laptop.

Now the computer are more faster than before with faster processing and better out put facilities.The users of computers can easily communiate with computer world with latest computer technology.The latest computers are now morw portable that other generation computers and the operating systems are used in the latset computers are faster that old versin operating systems now the mostly used operating system is windows 10.

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