different types of computer languages - Computer Education

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Thursday, 15 February 2018

different types of computer languages

Computer language

  • A language is the system of communication.
  • A computer language is the system of communication between the user and computer.
  • A computer is a language that can be same purpose as human language they are aean of communication.

With the help of computer language a user/programmer tells a computer what he wants it to do.
  • Through a computer language we can give the instruction into the system.
  • A set of instruction are called a program.
  • A computer is useful for developing the program.
   All computer language can be classified under the following catagories.
  1. Machine level language(1st generation language)
  2. Assemly level ;language(2nd generation language)
  3. High level languages(3rd generation language)

1.Machine level language:
   The set of instruction codes,whether in binary which can be directly understand by the CPU of a computer without help of translating program is called machine code or machine level language.This is the basic language of the computer representing data 1st or 0s.

2.Assembly level languge:
     A language in which each statement id directly translated into single machine code is own as assembly level language.Thiis lamguage is also called as symbolic language.This language uses symbolic code such as add,sub,mult,div etc.These codes are called MNEMONICS code.
Assembly is the translator which uses to translator which uses to translate assembly level language.

  •  it is easier to understand & use.
  • This language is easy to locate & fewer error are found.
  • Assembly level program are easier for people to modify than machnie language.
  • Assenbly language are machine dependent.
  • An assembly programmer must know how his machine work.
  • Using this language to develop program tittle bit difficulties are arises..
3.High level languages:
     This language is just like our english language have some rules and regulations.It has some vocabulary like input,print are used by this lanfguage.Computer and interpreter used to translate high level languages to machine level languages.

  1. This languages are easy to learn and use.
  2. high level languages are machine independent .
  3. writting prigram in high level languages requires less time and which ultimately leads lower program preparatio cost.
  4. Esier maintenance and portability contributed to the popularity of high level languages.
  1.      A program written in an assemly language or machine languages is more efficient than one written in high level language beacuse it takes more time to run and require more main memory 
to read more contact me :akashkumarswain14@gmail.com

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