what is operating system in computer definition - Computer Education

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Monday, 19 February 2018

what is operating system in computer definition

Operating system is system software which controls the automatic operations of the computer.It acts as interface between the user and the computer.An operating system (OS) is the primary control program for managing all other programs in acomputer.operating system is very important part of the computer like it’s memory.

The operating system is the link between the hardware and software.The OS controls the computer and act as an intermediary between the user and the computer.An OS is defined to be the program that instructs your PC how to work with its various components.An operating system (usually known as the OS )is an organized set or collection of software programs that controls the overa;l operation of the computer system.It controls and directs the flow of data and instruction from one part of the computer to another.
Functions of Operating System
An operating system (OS) is an integrated set of programs that is used to manage the various resources and overall operations of a computer system.It is designed to support the activities of computer installation .Its prime objective is to improve the performance and efficiency of a computer system, increase facility,the ease with which a system can be used . Thus,like amanger of company,an operating system is responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of the entire computer system Moreover;it makes the computer system user friendly.That is ,it becomes easierfor people to interact with and make use of the computer.Operating system goes by many different names,depending on the manufacture of the computer.Other terms used to describe the operating system are monitor,executive,supervisor,controller and master control programs .No matters by which name they arte called today ,most operating system perform the following functions:
 1.Communicator between the user and computer
   One of the major function of the operating system is to establish standard means of communication between the user and the computer.The computer dose not understand the languages used by us to communicate with each other.But you must be thinking now how do you get the correct result from the computer?it converts the output  the language understood by the user.You must have seen the translator who converts one language to another language.
2. process management:
   One of the major function of te operating system is the process management.Operating system allows multiple application to run simultaneously.It keeps a track of the number of processes waitingto get processed and manages the processing of each and every process.Process management is like a traffic controller standing at a traffic signal.the job of the traffic controller is to process all the traffic without any traffic jam.this is a most important function than other function of operating system.
3.Peripheral managment
    The operating system manages the working of different input output devices attached to the computer.Different out put devices like printer and scanner work under control of the operating system.Operating system is like a project manager of an organization who delegates different task to its subordinates so that they perform them efficiently.Likewise operating system is like a project manager who takes control of all the devices so that they are wok efficiently .
4.Bmemory management:
   Mwmory management is one of the critical job of the opertin g syytem.the operating system decided which file will be stored at which location in the memory .Both primary and secondary are work under the control of the operating system.Whenever a user demands for any program from CPU,it checks it’s RAM first or else it’s fetches from hard disk.


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