c++ basic concepts in hindi and english pdf - Computer Education

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Saturday 10 February 2018

c++ basic concepts in hindi and english pdf


    C++ is an object oriented progeamming language it's original name was "c" with class .c++ was devloped by B.Jarne stroutrup the bell labrotories of US .c++ was the combine feature of two language namely c and simula-57 Strou strop was an admire of c language due to it's elignce programming capability.he was also found of another language called simular-67 due to it's grate object oriented feature.He combined both the language and created c++ is a super set of c language.It's central focus is the object and calss.
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It's features

  1.   Data Hyding or encapsulation
  2. Data binding
  3. Data abstraction
  4. polymerphsm
  5. Inheritance
  6. Reusability
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What is OPP and it's struture?
   It's stands gor object oriented programming.The opp allows the analysi and design of of an application in term of entities or objects so that they the process replicate the human thought process as closely as possible . In object programming code and data are morse into a single
indivisible object,

     The features of opp are

  • Object 
  • class
  • Data hyding data encapsulation
  • That bond
  • Data abstraction
  • polymerphism
  • Inheritance
  • Resusabiity
     An is a object concept or thing having certain identifying characteristics and behabiour.Each object has it's ow propeties orcharacteristics that describe what it is or dose.An object also execute some action.
    An object is made up of two element i.e.

  • Data memeber
  • member function
      Data member (variable are private to that object but the member function are)

Object=data member (private)+member fuctionor method(puplic)

  A calss is a group of object that have the same properties:common behabiour and common relatonship.The class defines the said to be an instance of it's class.

ex:Rani is a cow.
Baula is a cow

    Here Rani and Baula are the object and the cow is the class.Here Rani is the instance of class cow.

Data hiding:
    Providing axis to an object only through it's method while keeping the data members private is called dad hiding.
     Data hiding is also called encapsulation.The advantages of encapsulation is that a class can have many propertie and methos but only some of these are expose to the user.

Data abstraction:
     Abstraction consist of focussing on what an object is and dose before describe how it should be implemented.The abstraction is used to identify properties and method of each object as relevant to the application.

Data binding:
    It is one of the feature of object oriented programming is to prevent data from un restricted axes is called data binding.The data member of a class are usually describe in the private reaction.Private daa or function ca only axes from within the class.

    polymorphism is deruved from two greeck word polus and merfy.polus means many and merfy means form.In general polymorphism means one thins having several form.In programming context polymorphism means that the same function may behave differently on different class.

   The process of creating new class from existing class is called inheritance.The existing class is called base class or super class or parent class and the newly created class is called derived clas or child class.
  The derive class inherites all the behabiours of the base clas as well as some additional feature of it's own.

   All object oriented languages try to makes part of program easily reusable and extencible.Reusability existing code save times and money and increases a program relability.

Structure of a c++ programm:

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Documentation section:
    This section is the command entry section.This sectio describe the program name,another name,program written and compile date and other details about variable.All the command lines must begind with/char command are not executed so this is an optional section.

Link section;
   C++ is reach set of built in functions and object.These function and object are classification into number of catagorrioes definition or object definitions stored under  file which is called header file or library file.
       When we use any function or object it's related header file must be attached in the link sectin by the help of "#include"(it is a pre-processor directive).


Definition section: 
   This section defines all the symbolic constants are the constant which looks like variable but works like a data value.All the symbolic constant must be written in the upper case(A-Z)characters.The symbolic constant can be define by the #define- pre-processor directive or constant keyword.

Global declaration:
   In this setion we can declare some variable which are called global variable.These are those variables which are accessed by main()  section as well as other fumction of sub program section.

Main function section:
     Every C++ program must have a main() section.This section begin with { and ends with }.This section has 2 parts.as shown in the fifure.

1.Declaration ssection
2.Execution section
    In the declaration part we can declare the variable which are must be used in the execytable part.
   The declaration part may be used in the executable part.
          All the statement of the main() sction must ends with a (;)symbol.

Subprogramm section:
   This section is said for modular programming breaking a large program into various smaller sub-programs is called modularisation each sub program is expressed in the form of (User Defined function).Then these UDF can be called by main() section.
   In a C++ program the link section nd main() sextionis mandatory and all other section may be absecint or can be emited

Sample program;
#This is a program of multiple upto 25.
#written y the one in only Klan dated 29/06/16

#difine rows 25
# define cols 10
 void main()
int i,j;
C++ tokens:
   The smatest indivisual unit of a program are called C++ tokens.C++ tokens are of 4 types
* Constant
* Identifier
* Keyword
* Operator

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