what is the computer system basic definition in english with book pdf - Computer Education

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Tuesday 6 February 2018

what is the computer system basic definition in english with book pdf


  •  C-Common
  •  O-orient
  •  M-multi
  •  P-Purpose   
  •  U-User
  •  T -Technical
  •  E-Education
  •  R-Research
 computer=Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Technology,Entertainment & Research.now the main topic that what is the computer system.
   A computer is a electronic device that manipulates information or data..It has the ability to store retrive,and process data.you use a computer to type  documents .It is litle bit difficult for computer basics for beginners .

  And we can use this amezing device to send electronic mail and browse internet we can also use it to handle spreadsheet,accounting,database management,presentation,game.and other uses of computer .
 A computer is a machine that can be programmed to manipulate symbols.Its characteristics are.

  • It responds to a specific set of instruction in a well-defined manner.
  • iIt can execute a prerecord list of instruction (program).
  • It can queeckly stre and retrieve large amount of data and by the help of computer we can run more than one program at a time.
the word computer is derived from greek word "compute" meaning to calculate.Charls Babbage is the father of this amezing electronic device,he was the professor of Canbridge University.First he found what is the computer system.Now this computer device are the most important component for every organization and for all companies.
what is the computer system basic definition in english with book pdf
what is the computer system basic definition in english with book pdf

Computer definition:-

   Computer is a high speed electronic device that accept data processes information in a pre-defined manner.from this definition  we are previously discussed the various uses of computer .with this amezing device we can do any type work like online work,offline work and many other works by this device's software .
  Their are two types of software such as:
  1.   system software (ex: different versions of windows)
  2. application software(ex:ms office package)

  Understanding computing:-

what is the computer system
understanding computing

      MILK------------>MIXER--------------->MILK SHAKE

    Data is a raw material for data processing. The collection of unorganized facts and figures is  called data.it can be text,number,audio,video,sound etc,data are processed by the computer processor(CPU) and produces meaningfull information .
   Data can entered by various input devices the most popular device is input device it contains many keys  on it ,in a normal  AT keyboard has 84 keys and enhanced keyboards containd 101 kes on it.using this keys we can combine this keys and can make many uncountable words.

    Information is data that been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it.When data has been worked upon to give it more meaning,it is called as information.Infornation is interpreted data.

   what is a process:
         process can be defined as computation done on the data to generate result.It could be arithmetic or logical done on the data.
Example:Addition,substraction, multiplication and comparisons using operators like <,<=,>,>= and etc.
to get information from the computer one has to

  •  Input the correct data.
  • Give the instruction to the computer in right process.

         Components of computer:
        As we discussed that what is the computer system.Now we are going to discuss about the various components of a copmter system. computer also knows as computer system,since it is made up of  integrated components,input and out put devices,storage central processing unit.works for a common object of data processing.it is consists of six element

  •  Hardware:Hardware represent the physical and tangible components of the computer i.e,the component that can be seen and touched .In computer system the hardware includes a mouse,keyboard,the printer and the processing device.
       a) Input Devices(keyboard,mouse)
       b)Output DEvices(monitor printer)
       c)processing Device(CPU)
       d)Storage Dvices
       e)Communication Device

  • Software:Software represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run.       
     Definition:-A set of instruction consisting of one or more program to carry out a perticular task that govern the  operation of the computer and makes the hardware operate is called software.
example:C,C++,Word processing,Electronic spread sheet,FORTRAN.

The term software was first used by John Tokey in 1958,at very basic level.

Advantages of computer:

  1.  Celerity(High speed)
  2.  Authenticity (Acurracy) ,(It denotes the acurracy of computer)
  3.  Spontaneous(automatic)
  4.  pertinity(Endurance)/Diligence
  5.  Adaptability(Versatile)
  6.  Store house(Memory) (It can can store huge amount of data)  
Unit of mesurement of storage:

Bit (binary digit) is the smallest mesurement of computer memory
1 Nibble                         =4Bits
1 Byte                             =8Bits     
1 Kilobyte                     = 1024Byte
1 Megabyte                  = 1o24 Kilobyte
1 Gigabyte                    =1o24 Megabyte 
1 Terabyte                    = 1o24Gigabyte 
1 Pentabyte                  =1o24Terabyte 
1 Exabyte                      =1o24Pentabyte 
1 Zettabyte                   =1o24 Exabyte 
1 Yottabyte                   =1o24Zettabyte   

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