Examples of input and output devices of computer in english - Computer Education

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Tuesday 6 February 2018

Examples of input and output devices of computer in english

   Computer has many input and output devices with the help of this devices we can interact with the computer easily.But while input devices are used to input data & instruction from the outside world to the primary storage the output devices are used to rovide processed result from primary storage to user.Some input and output devices are:
Examples of input and output devices of computer in english
Examples of input and output devices of computer in english

                                     INPUT DEVICES

    The device through whic the user gives input(data & instruction) to the computer is called input devices.Examples of input and output devices:

  • keyboard
  • mouse
  • Trackball
  • Joystick
  • Light prn
  • Touch screen
  • scanning devices
  • Voice recognition device
  • Vision input device
        keyboard allow input into the computer system by pressing a set of key mounted on a board.Keyboard consists of  many key on it through we can create our data and input that data into the computer easily.The most popular keyboard used today is the 101 kes with traditional QWERTY layout with an alphanumeric keypad,12 function keys,numeric keys 1-9,special function key,dedicated crusor control key.
       It is a input device which use to input letters,digit  and special characters.this is similar to a common used type writer.Their are six types of keys.
  1. Standard type writer key(are used to type all alphabetic,numeric keys,keys are A-Z,tab,space bar,caps lock,shift keys,enter key)
  2. Cursor movement key(page up,page down ,home key,end key up arrow key,left arrow key and right arrow key)
  3. Numeric key(0-9)
  4. Function key(F1-F12used to give special command)
       it is a pointing device.This device allows user to identify and select the necessary connand.
A mouse is small palm size box containing 3 buttons and a ball underneath which sence the movement of the mouseand sends the coresponding signal to the CPU on pressin the buttons.
Mouse is realy good input debvice which are very popular over the world.Using thus input devices the user can work with the computer faster .
      There are three types of mouse:
  1. Mechanical mouse
  2. Optical mouse
  3. Cordless mouse
       Joystic is pointing device by whicthe user running a game sodtware or flight  driving simulation software often use a joystick as a pointing device,Some joystick also have additional buttons you can set to perfom other action.

Touch screen
       A thouch screen is a touch sensitive  display,where you can interact with the device by touching areas of the screen with your fingure.For bank users many ATM machine has the touch screen system by whch the user can easily access their bank account.Now some notebook or laptops has thouch screen system .  

  Is a scanner input or output,scanner is good input device .It is commonly known as scanner.
this amezing devie read the text and graphics and convert the result into a form the computer can use.when a object is scanned it can be displayed on the screen and we can send this object vai email to you desired place.

                                    OUTPUT  DEVICES

The devices that are use to veiw information  or processed data is known as out put devices.some examples of output devices:
 An output is a peripheral device that accepts data from a computer and translate it into a unable form that can be understood by the out side world.
     output  can be understood by human can be catagorized as 
  • Hard copy 
Hard copy is a printed version.Output produced on paper that can be touched is known as hardcopy.
  • Soft copy
Soft copy means an electronic version of the document.Output produced on the display which can not be touched.

     Monitor is output devices that shows information on the screen.It is otherwise known as VDU(Visual Display Unit)
there are various types of computer monitor 
a-Analog monitor
b-Digital  monitor
c-LCD (liquid Crystal Display) monitor
     A printer is an output device that prints characters,symbols and perhaps graphics on paper.The printer produce output in the form of hardcopy because it prduces the information in the paper and work with this device is dificult than a monitors .There are two types of printers such as:

  1. Impact printer
examles of imact printer:Dot matrix,Daisy wheel printer,line printer 
  1. Non impact printer
examles of non imact printer:Inject printer,Thermal printer,laser printer

EMAIL ID-akashkumarswain14@gmail.com

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