Types of viruses in computer and what is the type of anivirus - Computer Education

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Wednesday 7 February 2018

Types of viruses in computer and what is the type of anivirus

    Computer virus is basically a program written for destructive purpose.It is written in such a way it can enter the computer without any knowledge.of the machine or the user.A computer  virus is a computer program that can be replicate itself.
Types of viruses in computer
Types of virus


Types of viruses in computer

     the virus are the programs that are very dangerius for computer.Examples of computer antivirus

  1. Boot sector viruses
              computer operating system use part of the hard disk when starting up after the computer is turned on.This area of the hard disk is called the boot sector.When the virus infect the boot sector it can load itself before the operating system.

      2.Memory resident viruses
              These viruses stay in the memory, like the  name suggest .Other just move from file to file and program to program.

      3.Polymorphic viruses
                These change their shape to make them harder for antivirus software to dedect.
         4.Macro viruses

                Many business software program  and suites have macro language and scripting feature that can be converted to use for virus.

         5.E-mail viruses

                 An email virus travels as an attachment to email message,and usually replicates itself by automatically mailing itself to dozen's of people in the victims email address boo.

          6.CSS viruses

                 Browser that have scripting functionality enabled can be exploited by cross site scripting

            7.Cavity viruses

                 These virus hide within executable files  using the free space  within the file so that the total file size does't change and arouse suspicion.

            8.Metamorphic viruses
                 These rewrite themselves each time they effect a new file.


                  A worm program replicates itself and slither through network connection  to infect any machine on the network and replicate within i,eating up storage place and slowing doen the computer.

             10.Trojan horse

                    A trojan horse does't replicate itself but it is a malicious program disgiused as something being such as screen saver.A trojen horse  can capture information from your system such as user name or password or could allow a malicious hacker to remotely control your computer.

             11.Logic bombs 

                      A logic bomb is malicious piece of code installed within a program by the original programmer and designed to be triggered at some point in the future.


  1. iLOVEYOU-(2000)
  2. CODE RED-(2001)
  3. NIMDA-(2001)
  4. MWLISSA-(1999)
  5. SASSER-(2004)
  7. BLASTER-(2003)
  8. SQL SLAMMER-(2003)
  9. ELK CLONER-(1982)
  10. CREEPER-(1971)
History of virus:
                The first academic work on the theory of computer viruses was done in 1949 by john von Neumann who held techures at University of illinois about the "Theory and Organiztion of Complicated Atomata".In 1972 VeithRisak,directly building on von Neumann's work on self-relication.
                Traditional virus were first widely seen in the late 1980s,and they came about because of several factor.

Anti virus:

Types of antivirus?
          Antivirus software are the the best security system for the computer by which we keep our computer safe.

Uses of antivirus:
            Antivirus software are solution of the many problem created ny the virus.Their are many kinds and brands of antivirus software available in the market today.You should use a scanner on any incoming software.use of vertual device driver on a windows 3x or a windows 95 machine you can install an antivirus device driver(VXD).A vxd is a 32 bit device driver which checks everthing that arrives on the computer.
Popular antiviruses:
A.AVG:  It is a very nice antivirus program for computer.You can download it from internet easily.It takes small amount of space in the hard disk.It can run in any type of operating systems lke windows 7,windows8,windowsXP.It checks harmfuul viruses from computer and delete them.

B.McAfee:  This is also  a popular antivirus program as the AVG  we can also download this software from internet easily.This antivirus provieds more facility other antiviruses but it need to update daily for more safty.
C.Kesparsky:  This antivirus software is a Russian antivirus program and this antivirus gives us interne security and many more as other antivirus provieds for computer protection.

D.Avast:  Today the avast antivirus is a most popular antivirus which have more security power than other.It keeps our file safe from different viruses of computer like boot sector virus
For more details you can comment me in the comment section

Email id.akashkumarswain14@gmail.com

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