Computer Education

Computer Education

This blog about the basic knowledge of computer and all other topics related to it.



Saturday 26 May 2018

S.V.M collage's BCA students result 2018||6th semester result

May 26, 2018 0
S.V.M collage's BCA students result 2018||6th semester result

BCA 6th semester result 2018:     

BCA 6th semester result 2018: The result of BCA final year students or 6th semester result has been declared check ur total result.All students can check their total mark.

   today the result of BCA students has been announced check ur own result..Check ur own result from the pictures given below

SVM collage bca result for graduation students best of luck;;;;

BCA 6th semester result 2018:    

BCA 6th semester result 2018:    

for more details visit this site

BCA 6th semester result 2018:

Thursday 17 May 2018

Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018 ||mca entrance answer key

May 17, 2018 0
Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018 ||mca entrance answer key

Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018

Download the answer key of all stream
   Hello students the answer key of OJEE entrance exam has been announced now all students can check their answer one by one.every stream students can check their entrance exam result the answer key of the entrance exam

  All students can download the answer key from the official site of the ojee entrance( straem students can download their own answer sheat.The answer key has available for these catagories students described below.
    After the ojee entrance examination the answer keys for these catagories canditades have been announced.If u will face any problem with the oficial site then u can active ur security system by just click on advanced setting option.So why r u waiting for go ahead download ur answer key and strat valuation by yourself.

Answer key for thses straems:

  •  .int MBA 
  •   MBA 
  •   MCA y (this is not for lateral entry candidates)
  •   le MCA 
  •   le Bsc. 
  •   le pharm 
  •   M pharm 
  •    Mplan
  • PGAT Civil Engg 
  • PGAT Architecture
  • PGAT Biotech
  • PGAT Chemical 
  • PGAT Comp Sc.
  • PGAT Electrical 
  • PGAT Electronics 
  • PGAT Environmental 
  • PGAT Metalurgical 
  • PGAT Plastic 
  • PGAT Textile 
  • click here to download
  •   Download the answer key of all stream

    Answer key sample :
    >page 1     (Answer key for lateral entry candidate of MCA

    Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018
    Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018

    page 2

    Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018
    Answer key for OJEE entrance exam 2018
    For more answer key visit the oficial site:

      Download the answer key of all stream

Monday 23 April 2018

Advantages of new generation's computers

April 23, 2018 0
Advantages of new generation's computers
Advantages of Computer:
    Today the computer is a most important devices by the help of computer we can do various kinds of work. Normally a computer is electronic computing devices that normally takes data and process it and gives the out put.
Advantages of new generation's computers
Advantages of new generation's computers
With help of this amazing device we can do variety of works this devices has many advantages like with the help of computer a great software can be developed and with the help of this computer many business works can be easily handled. Today in all work the value of device is huge.By the help of computer many people can do various online jobs the most famous work is blogging this is the one of the best for online income.

     Computer provide all online facilities and online income facilities. The main uses of the computer is the software development. Softwares are set of instructions programmed by various programming languages.

   Their are many softwares available in the computer world tha helps the people to do various types of work easily and quickly . Computer is a amazing  device that helps peoples  in many platform.

   This devices also help the people to store their important information on their hard disk which is also famously known as secondary storage  devices of computer. But the computer are very expensive. Computer is a very good device that helps the defence manager to track the opposite party activity.
  Really computer is a very useful  device for all.

Saturday 21 April 2018

OJEE entrance 2018 admit card dowonlaod

April 21, 2018 0
OJEE entrance 2018 admit card  dowonlaod
Admit card download  lateral/regular entrance admit card download .Today OJEE admit card realised.

     Students who had applied  for ojee  entrance now they can download admit card. The admit card realised  today 20 April 2018. Best of luck all students. Try to give ur best .All the students can check their exam center through the ojee entrance app
Now available in the pay store.

 Steps for admit card downloading:

1,click the link given below👇
2.Enter your application number.
3.Enter password that u won at the time of apply.
4.Enter the security code then click on sign in button.
5.Done then download your admit card.

Click here to download Admit card

                 👉    Admit card download 👈

Admit card download

Friday 16 March 2018

defining member function outside of the class in c++ in hindi

March 16, 2018 0
defining member function outside of the class in c++ in hindi

Memeber function declare outside the class declarartion

       Member function declared inside a class are called inline function.It is not always good to make the member function inline.If class has so many numbers of member function and their methods areso long,in this case we have to face a problem i.e how many member functions are present in the class.So in this situation we have to declare all the member function outside the class declaration.To declare a member function outside the class declaration 1st we have to place the function prototype within the class.Then we have to declare the member function outside the class declaration with the following syntax.

defining member function outside of the class in c++ in hindi
defining member function outside of the class in c++ in hindi
     returntype classname ::member functionname()

//This program illustrate member function declare outside the class declartion.

class employee
int eno;
char ename[15
float sal;
void getdata();//function prototype
void putdata()
void employee::getdata(0
cout<<"Enter employee number-:";
cout<<"Enter employee name-:";
cout<<"Enter salary ampount-:";
void employee ::putda()
cout<,"Employee number-"<<eno<<endl;
cout<<"Employee name-"<<ename<<endl;
cout<<"Salary amount<<sal<,endl;
viod main()
employee e1;

To read more clcik the link  Click here

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Difference between constructor and destructor in C++ in hindi pdf

March 14, 2018 0
Difference between constructor and destructor in C++ in hindi pdf


        A constructor is a member function which invoked automatically when an object declared for the class.A constructor having same name as the class name haing no return type.

For example:
         If a class name is emplyee,then it's constuctor name is  also employee.
Difference between constructor and destructor in C++ in hindi pdf
Difference between constructor and destructor in C++ in hindi pdf

This program illustrate a constructor


class student
int rn;
char sname[15];
double pmark;
student()    //constructor
cout<<"Enter the rollnumber":;
cout<<"Enter student name:";
cout<<"Enter percentage mark:";
void showdata()
cout<<"Roll number-<<rn<<endl;
cout<<"student name-"<<sname<<endl;
cout<<"percentsage mark-"<<pmark<<endl;
void main()
student s1;'

Types of constructor

         Constructor are of 3 types.
  1. Default constructor
  2. Parameterized constructor
  3. Copy constructor

A)Default constructor
    Default constructor is a constuctor is supply a default value or a dummy value to the calling function,when we design the defalt constructor,within it only a single data member. can decalre object for the class,then that constant value will be supplied into the calling function.

//This program illustrate the default constructor

class counter
int n;
counter()//default constructor
void increament()
int showcount(0
void main()
counter s1;
cout<<"Before increament the value of c1=""<<c1.showcount<<endl;
cout<<"After increament the value of c1="<<c1.showcount<<endl;

out put:
Before increment the value of c1=5
After the increment  the value of c1=6

B)Parameterized constructor

       The constructor having argument is called parameterized constructor,when we design the paerameterized constructor within it the data member of the class must be assigned by the constuctor argument.'

     Class objectname(value1,value2.....);

Wap to interchange two variable value using parameterized constructor.

class number

int a;
int b;
number(intx,inty)  //parameterized constructor
void swap ()
void show()
cout<<"value of a="<<a<<endl;
cout<<"value of b="<<b<<endl;

void main()
number n1(10,20);
cout<<"The original value"<<endl;
cout<<"After interchange"<<endl;

out put:

The original value

Value of a=10
value of b=20

After interchange

value of a=20
value of b=10

C)Copy constructor
      The copy of data value of an object into into another constructor is called copy constructor.
    Making two object data values are equal is called copy constructor.

Classname newobjectname=existing objectname;

//This program illusterat ethe copy constructor

class student
int rn;
char sname[20];
float pmark;
void setdata(int roll,char,stdname,flout pm){
void showdata(0
cout<<"Roll number-"<<rn<<endl;
cout<<"student name-"<<sname<<endl;
voif main();
student s1;
s1.setdata(1,"Anil kumar swain",825);
student s2=s1;//copy constructor
cout<<"Data on 1st student"<<endl;

        A  destructor is a member fuction whix is invoked automatically when object is destroyed.when program ends,then the object of the program will be destroyed.That means the destructor member function  will be invked after termination of a program.Like constructor destructor having same name but begin with the character riled(~).The destructor can't be parameterized.The destructor does't need any ,memoryspace which means it's realse the sufficient amout of memory space. 

//This program illustrate the destuctor

class emplyee
int eno;
char ename;
float sal;
void getdata()
cout<<"Enter the employee number-:";
cout<<'Enter the employye name:";
cout<<"Enter the salary amount-";
cout<<"Employee number-"<<eno<<endl;
cout<<"Employee name-"<<ename<<endl;
cout<,"salary amout"<<sal<<endl;
employee e1;

  • Run the program
  • input the data value
  • To see the result press Alt+F5

To know more about the destructor follow the link below
Click here


Sunday 11 March 2018

C++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable (hindi)

March 11, 2018 0
C++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable (hindi)

wap to swap two numbers without using third variable in c++

       C++ program to swap two number is a interesting program.c++ has many programms but this program is something unique from other program.Follow the c++ codings bellow to interchange the two variable value that means if the valiue of a=10 and the value of b=20 then after the interchange the the value of a=20 and the value of b=10.And we have to prove this by this program.Using the turbo C++ software run trhe program given bellow and the result is that you want.If their is any errors in this program then correct it carefully.

Interchanging the variable without using the 3rd variable
C++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable (hindi)
C++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable (hindi)
Interchanging the variable without using the 3rd variable


class swap

void getdata()
cout<<"Enter the value of a:";
cout<<"Enter the value of b:";


void interchange()


void pudata()


cout<<"value of a="<<a<<endl;
cout<<"value of b<,b<,endl;


void main()

swap s1;

cout<,"before interchange"<,endl;


out put:
After interchange/swap the value of a become the value of b and the vice versa.

Related programs:
1.C++ program to swap two numbers  using third variable (hindi)
2.program for both data member and membert function as public
3.c program to check whether the number is palidwomic or not

for more program click here


Saturday 10 March 2018

how to create registration form using html in hindi

March 10, 2018 0
how to create registration form using html in hindi

How to create registration form in html with database

HTML form designing          

       Form are used for input data from the user.

Elements of form:

a)Form element
            This id the contaoner element.

b)Input element
      This element is used for input element field.Attribute for the input element are

      Decides the types of input field it can be check box,text box,imahe,pasword box,radio button,submit,reset etc.

     It depends on the value of type attribute.

      The name is the value name attribute which in the variable that stores the value.

      This attribute is applicable to radio button and check box only.It does't take a value it marks the field as selected by default.

      Decide the length of the field in the form.

      It is used for aligning control object.It can be left,center and right.

7)Selected element:
       It is use to create either a pull down or a crollable menu by default a pulldown menu is created.
how to create registration form using html in hindi
how to create registration form using html in hindi

Form desinging Application form: 

Free html code for registration form

<p>point applied for:<input type="text" value+"post applied for name=  text size=40> mass length=40>
<p>Application form:<font color="red">
</font><ibput type+"text" name=name size=40 maxlength=20>
<p>Address:<text area row=6 cols=20>
<p>Addrss:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked>
male<input type="radio" name="gender value="female">female
<pLanguage known:<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>English<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>Hindi<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>Telugu


This is a basic HTml coding for form designing you can craete a bset resistration form you can give a hyperlink to the registration form.Write this code properly and correctly.

 Run this code on any webpage lbut the bset browser is chrome and internet explorer.

You form may look like this.
Now your form may look like this


past applied for:
Application form:
Addrss: malefemale EnglishHindiTelugu

If you want to add the qualification box in this form then you have to write the following code.


Now your form may look like this

point applied for:
Application form:
Addrss: malefemale EnglishHindiTelugu


To know more about HTML coding

                                    Next page
To know more about HTML coding

Tuesday 6 March 2018

types of inheritance in C++ in hindi note ||what is C++ note

March 06, 2018 2
 types of inheritance in C++ in hindi note ||what is C++ note

What is inheritance?

              The process of creating a new class from the existing class is called  inheritance.
The existing class is called super c;asses base class and the newly created class is called sub class derived ckass as a result the derive class inherits all part part of feature of base class as well as some additional feature of it’s own.Their are many types of inheritance in C++.

 types of inheritance in C++ in hindi note
 types of inheritance in C++ in hindi note

         The base class is the generalization of the derived class in other sence derive class is the specialization of the base class.
         The main advantages of inheritance is that every time a new thing will be created which can hold some existing feature of existing class as well as add some new feature to it.

        Inheritance are of the following types 

v Single inheritance
v Multilevel inheritance
v Multiple inheritance
v Hybrid inheritance
v Hierarchical inheritance

Syntax for inheritance:
    Class derived class name:public baseclass name


Syntax for calling a base class member function into the derived class.

Base classname::member function

Single inheritance:
    In this type of inheritance there is only one base class as well as one derived class.

Digram of single inheritance:

   Base class(A)
   Derived class(B)

//This program illustrates the single inheritance
Class punlication
Char title;
Char pubname;
Int pubyear;
Void getdata()
Cout<<”Enter the title”;
Cout<<”Enter the publication company name”;
Cout<<”Enter the publication company year”;
Void putdata()
Cout<<”publication company name<<pubname<<endl;
Cout<<”publication company year<<pubyear<<endl;
Class book;public publication
Int en;
Float price;
Void readdata()
Cout<<”Enter edition number”;
Cout<<”Enter number of page”;
Cim>>no page
Cout<<”Enter the price:”;
Void showdata()
Cout<<”Edition number”<<endl;
Cout<<”number page=”<<npage<<endl;
Book b1
Multilevel inheritance:
       In this type of inheritance there is only one base class but more than one derived class.The common properties of base class inheritance to it’s derive class.And each derive add some extra feature.
Digram of multilevel inheritance: 

                       base class A

     derived class           derived class
          B                                   C

//This program illustrate the mu;lti level inheritance

Class publication
Char title[15];
Char pubname;
Int pubyear;
Void getdata()
Cout<<”Enter the title:”;
Cout<<”Enter the publication company name:”;
Void pudata()
Cout<<”publication company name<<pub name<<endl;
Cout<<”publication year<<pubyear<<endl;
Class book:public publication
Int en;
Int no page;
Void readdata()
Cout<<”Enter the edition number:”;
Cout<<”Enter the no. of pages:”;
Void showdata()
Cout<<”Edition number-”<<endl;
Cout<<”No of pages-“<<nopage<<endl;
Class tape:public publication

Char modelname[15];
Int playtime;
Void inputdata()
Cout<<”enter the model name:”;
Cout>.”enter the playtime:”;
Void  outputdata()
Cout<<”model name-“<<modname<<endl;
Void main(0;
Book b1;
Tape t1;
Cout<<”Enter data about book”<<endl;
Cout<<”data on book”<<endl;

Multiple inheritance
      In this type of inheritance their  is only one derived class but more than one base class.  

Digram for multiple inheritance

Base class a
Derived class c
Syntax of multiple inheritance:-
Class derived class name:public base1,public base2………

Hybrid inheritance
   The combination of multilevel and multiple inhertance is called hybrid inheritance.

Digram of hybrid inheritance:
                                           Base class
derived class                                                            derived class
      B                                                                                  C

                                             derived class

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