how to create registration form using html in hindi - Computer Education

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Saturday 10 March 2018

how to create registration form using html in hindi

How to create registration form in html with database

HTML form designing          

       Form are used for input data from the user.

Elements of form:

a)Form element
            This id the contaoner element.

b)Input element
      This element is used for input element field.Attribute for the input element are

      Decides the types of input field it can be check box,text box,imahe,pasword box,radio button,submit,reset etc.

     It depends on the value of type attribute.

      The name is the value name attribute which in the variable that stores the value.

      This attribute is applicable to radio button and check box only.It does't take a value it marks the field as selected by default.

      Decide the length of the field in the form.

      It is used for aligning control object.It can be left,center and right.

7)Selected element:
       It is use to create either a pull down or a crollable menu by default a pulldown menu is created.
how to create registration form using html in hindi
how to create registration form using html in hindi

Form desinging Application form: 

Free html code for registration form

<p>point applied for:<input type="text" value+"post applied for name=  text size=40> mass length=40>
<p>Application form:<font color="red">
</font><ibput type+"text" name=name size=40 maxlength=20>
<p>Address:<text area row=6 cols=20>
<p>Addrss:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked>
male<input type="radio" name="gender value="female">female
<pLanguage known:<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>English<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>Hindi<input type+"check box" name="language" checked>Telugu


This is a basic HTml coding for form designing you can craete a bset resistration form you can give a hyperlink to the registration form.Write this code properly and correctly.

 Run this code on any webpage lbut the bset browser is chrome and internet explorer.

You form may look like this.
Now your form may look like this


past applied for:
Application form:
Addrss: malefemale EnglishHindiTelugu

If you want to add the qualification box in this form then you have to write the following code.


Now your form may look like this

point applied for:
Application form:
Addrss: malefemale EnglishHindiTelugu


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